
SOTD – August 23, 2020

SOTD – August 23, 2020

Razor: Karve CB on C CC Blade: Wilkinson Sword Brush: Simms Best Badger Soap: Hub City Soap Company Chats with Grandpa Aftershave: Hub City Soap Company Chats with Grandpa As I mentioned earlier, I recently made it back from a trip to Winnipeg, MB.  While I was there...

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SOTD – July 25, 2020

SOTD – July 25, 2020

Razor: Karve CB on C CC Blade: Astra Green Brush: Sloyd Synthetic Soap: Like Grandpa Wild Rose Aftershave: Like Grandpa Wild Rose Balm/Splash Other: Thirsty Badger lather bowl Today is a Western Canadian shave, I'm using products from Alberta and Saskatchewan, right...

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SOTD – July 22, 2020

SOTD – July 22, 2020

Razor: Karve CB on B CC Blade: Rapira Super Stainless Brush: Tournure de bois 26mm Gelousy Badger Soap: MacDuff Soap Company Prairie Rum Runner Other: Thirsty Badger lather bowl A few beauty additions to the den recently inspired me to roll with an all Canadian shave...

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SOTD – July 12, 2020

SOTD – July 12, 2020

Razor: Karve CB on B CC Blade: Astra Green Brush: Sloyd Silvertip Soap: Noble Otter Monarch Aftershave: Noble Otter Monarch Other: Thirsty Badger lather bowl A day late on the post for this one.  I got busy hanging with the boy and before you know it, the day was...

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SOTD – July 11, 2020

SOTD – July 11, 2020

Razor: Karve CB on B OC Blade: Astra Green Brush: Ever-Ready Boar Soap: Highland Springs Green Door Aftershave: Highland Springs Green Door Other: Thirsty Badger lather bowl This is a new release that I was super excited for.  I love a good fougère and I knew Chris...

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SOTD – June 11, 2020

SOTD – June 11, 2020

Razor: Karve CB  on B OC Blade: Gillette Nacet Brush: Yaqi Synthetic Soap: Ariana & Evans Kaizen Aftershave: Ariana & Evans Kaizen Wow, it seems like it has been forever since I posted a SOTD.  I can confirm it is with good reason.  I haven't been AWOL or...

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SOTD – April 17, 2020

SOTD – April 17, 2020

Razor: Karve CB on C Blade: Polsilver Brush: Sloyd Silvertip Soap: Declaration Grooming Weinstrasse Aftershave: Chatillon Lux Weinstrasse Toner Other: Thirsty Badger lather bowl I love me a good fougère.  Something about that scent profile just sparks my interest.  I...

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SOTD – April 10, 2020

SOTD – April 10, 2020

Razor: Haward Safety Razor Blade: Wilkinson Sword Brush: Yaqi synthetic Soap: Karve / Tallow + Steel Morning Coffee in the Canadian Wilderness Aftershave: Karve / Tallow + Steel Morning Coffee in the Canadian Wilderness Other: Thirsty Badger lather bowl I have to...

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