Razor: Soviet ZTV Extra 1960 5/8 Brush: Sloyd Synthetic Soap: Wet Shaving Products Mahogany I've had a Wet Shaving Products soap in my den for a while and I've always liked the simplicity of it. Nothing fancy or pretentious, just a down to earth work horse shave...
SOTD – January 1, 2020
Razor: George Wostenholm & Sons Celebrated 6/8 Near Wedge Brush: Sloyd Synthetic Soap: Ariana & Evans Uno Aftershave: Ariana & Evans Uno Other: Thirsty Badger Lather Bowl Uno.... one. 1st day, 1st shave. I figured this was the perfect setup to start the...
SOTD – December 13, 2019
Razor: Yaqi Mellon Blade: Gillette Wilkinson Sword Brush: Sloyd Synthetic Soap: Primitive Outpost Roasted Aftershave: Primitive Outpost Roasted Splash I always love finding new Canadian artisan talent in the wet shaving space. I always get a great sense of pride when...
SOTD – December 9, 2019
Razor: Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements DOC Blade: Gillette Wilkinson Sword Brush: Sloyd synthetic on walnut handle Soap: Like Grandpa Wild Rose Aftershave: Wholly Kaw Chypre Rose Concerto splash I grabbed old faithful today. Something about this Wild Rose scent just...
SOTD – December 6, 2019
Razor: Rockwell 6c on 3 Blade: Astra Green Brush: Sloyd 22mm Synthetic on a walnut handle Soap: Highland Springs Eclipse Aftershave: Highland Springs Eclipse Sorry folks, I'm a bit late getting this in. My day turned into a gong show yesterday (don't ask) so I...