Father Razor: Gillette Tech Blade: Astra Green Brush: Thirsty Badger silvertip travel brush prototype Soap: Van Der Lovett Sailor's Blend Aftershave: Fine Platinum Splash Other: Thirsty Badger later bowl Son Razor: Ming Shi 2000s Blade: None Brush: Yaqi Synthetic...
SOTD – January 27, 2018
Razor: Rockwell 6c on 3 Blade: Astra Green Brush: Thirsty Badger Silvertip Badger travel prototype Soap: Chiseled Face Midnight Stag #samplesaturday man, what a deadly shave to start the weekend. I was playing in the Saskatoon Techworks space yesterday doing some more...
SOTD – December 31, 2017 – favourite products of 2017
Razor: Rockwell 6c on 3 Blade: Astra Green Brush: Yaqi Silvertip Badger Soap: RazoRock Emperor Aftershave: RazoRock Emperor Splash, Like Grandpa Sandalwood Balm Other: Thirsty Badger lather bowl Time for the last shave of 2017. It has been a busy and fun year. It was...
SOTD – December 26, 2017
Razor: Ming Shi 2000s on 3 Blade: Astra Green Brush: Semogue 1305 Boar Soap: L&L Grooming Harmony Aftershave: Tallow and Steel Classic Other: Thirsty Badger lather bowl I hope Christmas was fantastic to everyone! I was lucky enough to get a huge assortment of products...
#bestnine2017 #SOTD
Oh 2017, you have flown by. And for me, 2017 was the beginning of my wet shave journey. I have linked to my 9 favourite/memorable SOTDs for 2017: December 12 November 28 November 19 October 15 September 9 September 24 October 6 November 4 December 2 As...
SOTD – December 10, 2017
Razor: Rockwell 6c on 3 Blade: Astra Green Brush: Yaqi Synthetic 26 Soap: RazoRock Classic Aftershave: RazoRock P.160 Other: Thirsty Badger lather bowl Better late than never, here was my morning shave of the day. I recently got the P.160 in a Black Friday sale from...
SOTD – November 21, 2017
Razor: Ming Shi 2000S on 3 Blade: Astra Green Brush: The Art of Shaving Pure Badger Soap: Barrister and Mann Leviathan Aftershave: Barrister and Mann Leviathan Splash Other: Thirsty Badger lather bowl Test driving a few new products today. I received the Ming Shi...
SOTD – October 13, 2017
Razor: Rockwell 6c on 3 Blade: Astra Green Brush: Art of Shaving Pure Badger Soap: Stirling Soap Executive Man Aftershave: Stirling Soap Executive Man Splash Friday, last day of the week. Finally got over my bout with the stomach flu. Figure I'd finish off the work...