Razor: DS Cosmetic DS-D8 w/ RazoRock Barber Pole Blade: Gillette 7 O'Clock SharpEdge Yellows Brush: AKA Brushworx 26mm Cashmere Synthetic Soap: MacDuff's Soap Company Spring Cabin Aftershave: MacDuff's Soap Company Spring Cabin Splash Other: Thirsty Badger lather bowl...
SOTD – May 2, 2021
Razor: Blackland Vector / Yaqi Excalibur Blade: Kai Pink Brush: Erebus and Terror 26mm Synbad Synthetic Soap: Stirling Soap Shadow Orchid Other: Thirsty Badger lather bowl I've now had these two artisan-style razors for several shaves and I figured it was time to do a...
SOTD – April 27, 2021
Razor: Blackland Vector Blade: Kai Pink Brush: AKA Brushworx 26mm Cashmere Synthetic Soap: Elvado Pacific Coast Kahuna Cream Aftershave: Elvado Pacific Coast Kahuna Balm Other: Thirsty Badger lather bowl A couple of years ago my family took a trip to the west coast to...
SOTD – April 25, 2021
Razor: Yaqi Excalibur Blade: Feather Artist Club Professional Brush: Moon Soaps / Kent Designs 26mm Synthetic Mixed Badger Soap: Bartigan and Stark Campione Aftershave: Bartigan and Stark Campione Other: Thirsty Badger Soaker So in my previous shave I talked about an...
SOTD – April 21, 2021
Razor: Blackland Vector Blade: Feather Artist Club Professional Blade Brush: Erebus and Terror 26mm Synbad Synthetic Soap: Barrister and Mann Vespers Other: Thirsty Badger lather bowl Today's shave is dedicated to my friend Jonathan, aka @latherhog. If you aren't...
SOTD – April 17, 2021
Razor: John Clarke & Son Sheffield 3/4" with custom scales via LatherMeWhiskers Brush: Oz Shaving 26mm Brown Synthetic Soap: Spearhead Shaving Ardennes (Experimental) Other: Thirsty Badger Soaker Today felt like an experimental kind of day. We just opened the...
SOTD – April 8, 2021
Razor: DS Cosmetic DS-T7 w/ RazoRock Radio Handle Blade: Gillette 7 O'Clock Super Platinum Blacks Brush: Moon Soaps / Kent Designs 26mm Synthetic Mixed Badger Soap: PannaCrema Nuàvia Nera Other: CK One Shock EDT Today I'm continuing my voyage into the PannaCrema...
SOTD – April 2, 2021
Razor: Blackland Vector Blade: some garbage Brush: Smilezformilez Wasp Tail V69 Fan Soap: Sphinx Beard Oil Chokecherry Aftershave: Sphinx Beard Oil Chokecherry Splash Other: Captains Choice Standard Copper lather bowl, Zoha Aroma Zoha Aroma Cherise Wow, today's shave...