Razor: Gem Micromatic Bullet Tip Blade: Gem Personna PTFE SE Brush: Copper Hat synthetic Soap: Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements Black Bot Aftershave: Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements Black Bot Splash Other: Thirsty Badger lather bowl A few new pieces of hardware made it's...
wet shave
SOTD – February 4, 2019
Razor: Karve CB on C Blade: Sputnik Brush: DS Cosmetic Captain synthetic Soap: Catie's Bubbles Tonsorial Parlour Aftershave: Catie's Bubbles Tonsorium splash Other: Thirsty Badger lather bowl Monday.... back to the grind. A work week ahead and blistering cold temps...
SOTD – February 2, 2019
Razor: Schick Injector Blade: Schick Injector Blades Brush: Yaqi Synthetic Soap: Purely Skinful Handmade Essentials Tobacconist Aftershave: Black Ship Grooming Captain's Pipe splash Other: Thirsty Badger lather bowl #samplesaturday and today I am firing up a new-to-me...
SOTD – January 31, 2019
Razor: Yaqi Mellon Brush: Copper Hat Synthetic Soap: Tallow + Steel West Indies Aftershave: Tallow + Steel West Indies Splash Up today.... Tallow + Steel West Indies. This set it the T+S take on a Bay Rum. It is described as "a warm citrus scent, tinged with ocean...
SOTD – January 29, 2019
Razor: Ever Ready 1912 Blade: Personna PTFE SE Brush: Rubberset Cashmere Synthetic Soap: Tiki Bar Soaps Surf's Up Aftershave: Elvado Pacific Coast Kahuna Balm It is only -30°C (-22°F) here today, so I am dreaming of being at the beach. Unfortunately the closest I'll...
SOTD – January 27, 2019
Razor: Karve CB on C Blade: Derby Platinum Brush: Spiffo Two Band Bager Soap: K Shave Worx Aries Aftershave: K Shave Worx Aries splash Aries Traits. The people born under the Zodiac Sign Aries are curious, energetic,upbeat and enthusiastic personality, who want to...
SOTD – January 26, 2019
Razor: John Clarke & Son Sheffield 3/4″ Brush: Paragon Sianco Boar Soap: Stirling Soap Co Black Cherry Aftershave: Prohibition Style Mary Pickford #samplesaturday and today I'm using a recent acquisition from Canadian Beard & Blade. Sadly they are closing...
SOTD – January 25, 2019
Razor: Rockwell 6c on 4 Blade: Gillette Wilkinson Sword Brush: DS Cosmetic Captain Synthetic Soap: Phoenix and Beau Trafalgar Aftershave: Phoenix and Beau Trafalgar Lotion Other: Thirsty Badger lather bowl Trafalgar, a wild label and a unique name. It's funny, I've...