Razor: Karve CB on D Blade: Astra Green Brush: Yaqi Silvertip Badger Soap: Chiseled Face Civet Other: Thirsty Badger lather bowl #samplesaturday Today I pulled out a sample of the Chiseled Face/Zoologist Civet. I have to admin, this one didnt jump out at me as the one...
wet shave
SOTD – July 26, 2018
Razor: Karve CB on C Blade: Astra Green Brush: Paragon Synthetic Soap: Elvado Royal Tahitian Lime Aftershave: Barrister and Mann Seville I wasn't planning to do a SOTD today, but man, I had such a good shave how could I not! The razor and soap were both new to the den...
SOTD – July 23, 2018
Razor: Gillette Slim on 5 Blade: Gillette Wilkinson Sword Brush: Rubberset restored with cashmere synthetic knot Soap: Mason Boutique TLM Aftershave: Henri et Victoria Duc de Santal In my recent travels I did a little antique hunting. I don't often come across...
SOTD – July 22, 2018
Razor: Joseph Allen & Sons 11/16 near wedge with custom rams horn scales (ala Jason Underwood) Brush: Omega Boar Soap: Barrister and Mann Cologne Russe Aftershave: Barrister and Mann Cologne Russe It's funny how time can change an opinion. I had received a sample...
SOTD – July 21, 2018
Razor: Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements DOC Blade: Gillette Wilkinson Sword Brush: Paragon Synthetic Soap: Prohibition Style Peaky Blinders Other: Thirsty Badger lather bowl #samplesaturday Well I have made it back from vacation but I've been a little slack on posting of...
SOTD – July 8, 2018
Razor: Yaqi double open comb Blade: Rapira Platinum Lux Soap: Like Grandpa Wild Rose Other: Thirsty Badger lather bowl #wheninRome I love me some vacation shave, especially after a fun day of exploration. We are in Edmonton for a few days of r&r. We started of the...
SOTD – July 6, 2018
Razor: Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements Blade: Rapira Platinum Lux Brush: Paragon Synthetic Soap: Martin de Candre Fougère Aftershave: Añeja Vetiver Getting ready to hit the road for vacation so I'll make this one short and sweet. I wanted to head out smelling like a...
SOTD – July 1, 2018
Razor: Rockwell 6c on 4 Blade: Astra Green Brush: synthetic travel Soap: Proraso Red Other: Thirsty Badger travel lather bowl and travel brush tube Happy Canada Day from the great white North. We are up camping in the trees and trying to avoid the rain. But a...