Razor: Yaqi Mellon Blade: Gillette Naucet Brush: Yaqi Silvertip Soap: The Club Signature Aftershave: The Club Signature Other: Thirsty Badger Lather Bowl A little behind on posting this. This shave was my last shave before heading out for a week of tenting (yay?). I...
The Club
SOTD – June 21, 2019
Razor: Ming Shi 2000s on 4 Blade: Super-Max Platinum Brush: DS Cosmetic Captain Synthetic Soap: The Club Oriental Oud Aftershave: The Club Oriental Oud Continuing on with the A&E/Club products, this is another recent pickup to my den. I picked this up from a...
SOTD – June 20, 2019
Razor: Yaqi Mellon Blade: Wilkinson Sword Brush: Spiffo Two Band Badger Soap: The Club Vacanza Romana Aftershave: The Club Vacanza Romana Other: Thirsty Badger lather bowl I have to admit, I've been on a real A&E/The Club kick of late. Ever since I picked up a...
SOTD – May 10, 2019
Razor: Karve CB on C OC Blade: Rapira Platinum Lux Brush: DS Cosmetic Synthetic Soap: The Club Amber Rose Aftershave: The Club Amber Rose A day late. Things have been a bit crazy around here lately. My day job has switched as I started a new position at work. My...
SOTD – April 7, 2019
Razor: Rockwell 6c on 4 Blade: Rapira Platinum Lux Brush: DS Cosmetic Synthetic Soap: The Club Chasing the Dragon Aftershave: The Club Chasing the Dragon splash Have you ever finished your 3 pass shave, looked at the left over lather and thought about doing a 4th pass...
SOTD – February 22, 2019
Razor: Assured Dollar Tree TTO $1.25 Special Blade: Wilkinson Sword Brush: DS Cosmetic Synthetic Soap: The Club Charlatans Traipse Aftershave: The Club Charlatans Traipse Splash I'm on my 3rd day with the $1.25 razor and I have to say, I'm still full on surprised and...
SOTD – November 24, 2018
Razor: John Clarke & Son Sheffield 3/4″ Brush: Yaqi Silvertip Badger Soap: The Club Warrior of Howling Fjord Aftershave: Fine Accoutrements Santal Absolut Other: Thirsty Badger Lather Bowl #samplesaturday and today I grabbed The Club Warrior of Howling Fjord. Scent...
SOTD – June 10, 2018
Razor: Boker King Cutter 5/8 Brush: Paragon synthetic Soap: The Club La Cosa Nostra Aftershave: The Club La Cosa Nostra Another recent addition to my den, La Cosa Nostra from The Club. I received this set unused from a member of the CWS Facebook group. It smells...